Sunday, 26 September 2010

Sunshine Crew Teeshirt

The SSC, Sunshine Crew were out and about at Belfast Culture Night. The crew logo was spotted on a tee shirt at Vectors and Vandals art work wall.
Other SSC chalk graffiti was spotted more pics later. If you want to find out more about the Sunshine Crew click the link.

Thursday, 23 September 2010

MA Art in Public Walk One Belfast to Beirut

5 walks for free. For anyone
Starting point: York Street, University of Ulster, Foyer, Belfast
Organized by Susanne Bosch & Dan Shipsides
Wednesday 22nd September 10-12 pm
walk 1: From Belfast to Beirut. Susanne Bosch

Walk about art as research to the George Best airport on foot
12-12.45 pm sitting in airport, reflection.

Walk one took us from the University of Ulster through the Cathedral Quarter, the City and into the Titanic Quarter. After ten minutes walking we stopped and wrote down what we had noticed during that part of the walk. We were given a topic by Susanne, I got nature, for the next part of the walk each person had to concentrate on their topic. We then wrote down anything we had observed relating to the topic.
The next stage was to swarm out and do our own thing all the while observing and taking notice of the surroundings. We discussed this part and the area we had stopped in, the Titanic Quarter.
After walking through Queens Island, the commercial area we walked along the Sydenham Bypass, guided by a partner as we had our eyes closed.

Sunday, 19 September 2010

Country Arts Project

Originally uploaded by Country Arts Project
My submision to the Country Arts Project
top row on the right.
To find out more about this project click on the link.  Street Art in rural Germany :-)

Country Arts Project 2010

As classic Street Art is placed in the streets of bigger cities and suburbs we want to show the art in a new surrounding. So Country Arts Project means that we will take your artwork to the countryside somewhere in bavaria.

image by country arts projet

Saturday, 18 September 2010

5 walks poster Free walks in Belfast

Altogether we will do 5 walks between September and November, either on a Wednesday or Thursday from 10-1 pm. We will be using a method that has been widely used by artists, examples are Basurama in Madrid and Stalker in Rom.
So, if you like walking, if you are a student, a peer, a person with time, a Belfast person, you are warmly invited to join with walking shoes and suitable clothes. We will always start from the UU building in Yorkstreet, Belfast at 10am prompt. It’s free!!!

Friday, 10 September 2010

Saturday, 4 September 2010

In Memoriam by Alice Burns

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Free Art Saint Annes Square Belfast

Free art left at Saint Annes Square Belfast last week.
I happened to meet the person that took this, a bit rare as I often don't know if the art I leave on the streets is taken home by someone or taken to the dump by street cleaners. Its nice to know that this piece has gone to someone who liked it.

The day before I left out around ten pieces and they were all gone the next morning, binned or bagged?

Friday, 3 September 2010

Culture NI - Rising Star Interview

Its interesting that my piece for Emerging v Established dealt with "fifteen minutes of fame" or rather the lack of it, well I can surely add a few more minutes onto my fifteen with this article about moi and Emerging v Established.

I feel a flow chart or some sort of graph may be necessary to document my little bites of fame, or even a formula. Note to self must seek out maths genuis to work out just how famous I am. :-)